Lovely Lily Bouquets - Graceful Blooms for Special Occasions
Lilies are one of the most popular flowers associated with many occasions, such as birthdays, weddings or important anniversaries. We also often choose them to decorate our home, especially if we want to make the table look impressive. Lilies in a box will be a perfect gift idea for every woman. You can give a lily bouquet to your beloved, friend, mum or sister. These flowers come in many colors, although the most popular are white and pink. In our florist's shop you will find many interesting propositions of bouquet of lilies. We like to combine colors, often creating unusual floral compositions. We love delicacy and monochromatic styling, so there are also bouquets for minimalist women.
What do lily bouquets stand for?
Lily is a flower with an extremely delicate appearance. At the same time it is long-lasting and can decorate our interiors for a very long time. We associate it with elegance and natural beauty. Lilies in a box can be a sign of rebirth, happiness, repentance, love and charm. Some people also associate lilies with a symbol of shame, forgiveness, desire and glory. The meaning of this flower is therefore very extensive, although mostly very positive. The bouquet of lilies will also mean something completely different depending on the colour of the flowers. White is pure, just like roses. A pink lilies bouquet stands for ambition. It will be a good choice if we want to motivate someone and encourage them to take up a difficult challenge. There are also yellow and even gold lilies, which are symbols of health. Lilies in bright red are often chosen for weddings, which is a sign of passion.
see also our wedding flowers