Classic Carnation Bouquet - Simple Elegance for All Occasions
Extremely orignal carnation flowers
Most of us can distinguish them easily from other flowers because of their characteristic appearance. Carnation flowers are fragile but also extremely original. They look great in floral compositions with field flowers and romantic roses which almost all women love so much. Carnation bouquets come in a large variety of colours. We offer both one-colour compositions, but we are always happy to combine several shades together, creating unique bouquets for every occasion. Carnation flowers have quite small heads, so they look best when there are more of them.
What do carnation flowers say?
Carnations will help you express your feelings and emotions, because like all other flowers, they have their own special meaning. A carnation bouquet is a perfect way to show that you treat someone in a very special way and to show your affection to them. Carnations are also identified with love and romance, so they make a perfect gift for your partner. In addition, these unique flowers express your care and friendship. These flowers say: I like you; I want to take care of you, you are important to me.
Carnation bouquets come in many different colours, every of them having their own meaning. Red carnations symbolize love and passion and express great feelings. White carnations are better as a gift for your mum, because that's what they symbolize - the love for one's mother. Pink ones are the symbol of femininity, yellow - of rejection, while purple - of puckish nature and personality.
If you're looking for a unique gift, we recommend carnation flower box - a floral composition beautifully arranged with carnations in different shades, greenery, and other complementary species, e.g. roses and hydrangeas. Carnations delivery is possible everywhere in the UK - all you have to do is to specify the date and address, and we'll take care of bringing the happiness and smile to your beloved one.
see also rose petals in a box